Smokin' Giveaways!

Hey there y'all...Welcome Back to Que-Licious!
Today I am very excited to announce something new for Que-Licious! We here at Whiskey River BBQ have decided to add product reviews to our blog and Facebook page of various items we use in our smoking and sauce making processes; as well as, in serving our barbecue at catering and fundraising events. Oh! and the best part...the featured product will be part of our new monthly giveaway series we are sponsoring.
Whiskey River BBQ Signature Flavor Profile Set  by WhiskeyRiverBBQ, $25.00
We have decided to highlight 11 of our favorite small businesses that have amazing products and we think everyone else in the "whole wide world" should know about them too. We will feature a product we have used from each company every month and conduct a giveaway on our Facebook page. We not only want to introduce you to some fantastic products; but to some pretty inspiring individuals behind those little mega companies! As a small business owner, I know and place a very high value on customer truly makes or breaks you. And when you get right down to's just plain ol' being nice to your neighbor and helping a fella out; pretty simple rule really. Whiskey River BBQ tries to purchase products and supplies from other small businesses, whenever possible, and we are a firm believer that every Saturday on your calendar should read "SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY", not just the recently famous one following Black Friday. (I could go on and on about the value and importance of small business and the impact they have made on our economy...but that's another post altogether...stay tuned!) The products we have decided to feature are high-quality products backed by outstanding customer service and compliment our own products; which will also be part of the monthly giveaway. Yea! In addition to the monthly giveaway, we will be conducting a "December to Remember" giveaway in which 1 of each monthly giveaway product will be combined with December's featured product and one lucky subscriber will receive ALL 12 GIVEAWAYS! Yes...I have been watching too much television this winter. Nonetheless; we feel like this is a great way to get our name out there while highlighting some great products and outstanding small businesses.
Now for the's how it's going to work:
1. Login to your Facebook page.
2. Like & Share our Facebook page
3. Be sure to send us your email address so we can let you know when you win!
Personally, I am so very excited about this new monthly feature we have added to our blog and hopefully our readers and followers will like it too. Also, if there is a barbecue related product that you absolutely love and think we should know about; by all means let us know and we will give it a try. I hope everyone out there will take an interest in our new feature on Que-Licious! and keep watching our blog and our Facebook page for more exciting changes coming in 2014!
Keep cookin' y'all!

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