Welcome 2014!

Hey there y'all..welcome back to Que-Licious! and...
Okay...show of hands...How many of you "whiskey-spritzed" readers out there are as optimistic as I am when the new year arrives, but have trouble keeping all that positivism flowing just as freely throughout the rest of the year? Yeah...me too. Although I have noticed during this past year it has lasted longer than in years past.
I attribute that largely in part to the company I keep. I have the good fortune to be surrounded by positive, uplifting people in my life who are very encouraging. There are still the occasional "doubting Thomas'" around as well; but I just tune them out. What is it about a brand new year that lifts us up and makes us feel as though we could conquer mountain after mountain. More importantly...why do we feel the need for the calendar to dictate to us it's the "right time" to change our outlook in a more affirmative direction? Beats me; but I think the majority of us slide into that all familiar place of complacency and procrastination and just wait for the right circumstances to fall in place instead of becoming the overwhelming "go-getter" we need to be.
As I look back on 2013, I can see the ups and downs and tough, tough decisions that needed to be made in order to bring me to this productive place in my life; both personally and professionally. My decisions haven't always been met with outstanding support and confidence; but they were necessary decisions nonetheless. (I think I have mentioned a few hundred times how I like to look to the future a little too much) Sometimes it's just necessary, and somehow I think I am finding a balancing act between dreaming about the future and planning for the future. All in all I am confident in my choices and believe that one small step at a time will get me, not only where I want to be, but more importantly, where I need to be. But first I had to welcome those changes and decisions in order to gain from them.
I want to encourage all of you out there in the "blogisphere" to welcome that positive and focused energy of the new year into your entire year. If changes need to be made that you have been putting off because it's too difficult...welcome them. If you have an opportunity to chase a dream...welcome it. If you can be a positive uplifting influence on those around you...welcome that opportunity repeatedly.
Whiskey River was very fortunate to have had a productive Holiday selling season which has allowed us to continue on our whiskey soaked barbecue adventure and for that I am grateful. Grateful to God from whom all blessing flow; grateful for friends and family who support me through their doubts; grateful for strangers in the form of customers who took a chance; and grateful for love for it truly is the greatest of all gifts.
We have some new ideas we are working on for 2014 and I welcome them with an open mind and enthusiasm!
Keep cookin' y'all!

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