To Blog Or Not To Blog...That Is The Proverbial Question

Welcome Back to Que-Licious!

For the first time since I started this blog; for some reason, I have been blocked! And I don’t mean just a little stumped. I mean; I started this post almost 3 weeks ago and have come back to, edited, left it alone for a while, edited some more, reworked the title and just felt like calling it quits BLOCKED!

Which prompted me to ask myself a very important question: Is having a blog the right choice for your business and do you have the dedicated time necessary to write informative content to promote your brand effectively? Wow! If only I had answers as good as the questions I ask!
One obstacle I have always struggled with, once I started Que-Licious,! is wondering if my style of writing is relatable…interesting…helpful…or just something that gets overlooked because of poor marketing on my part. (My money is on the latter) The problem isn’t that I don’t know what I want to share…it’s because for the first time since I started both the blog and the barbecue biz;  I have so stinkin’ much going on that I want to share I honestly don’t know where to start. For me, I have thought of Que-Licious! as documenting my journey from start, to middle, to end without giving much thought to if my style of writing is relatable or perhaps more amply put…just plain interesting.

I basically wanted a platform to share my experience starting my business, the pitfalls and the achievements, and maybe pass along some information that may help another struggling; yet, budding entrepreneur. There are so many food blogs out there that I didn’t want Que-Licious! to be just about recipes, competition secrets, and documenting dinner every night. I wanted to occasionally include those items in our blog, but I was aiming for something more. So I have gathered my thoughts and decided to put together some short informative posts to keep those of you interested in our little whiskey soaked barbecue adventure current and hopefully provide you with some interesting reading.

Speaking of interesting reading, beginning on September 1, 2013 Que-Licious! will have a brand new look and feel.  My hope is to become more interactive with my readers, followers, and fans and to create an “online front porch” environment if you will. I am almost finished with the page contents and want to make sure nothing is missed or overlooked and that people can find me! There is a lot more that goes into this blogging thingy than just putting words on the screen and hitting the publishing button. (If only it were that simple) I have learned a great deal about finding the right platform from which to blog, hosting, search engine optimization, social media, ad words, and a whole slew of other tidbits I will be sharing at some point or in some fashion on the new site.

After my last post, I really began to take a look at what it would mean for me to define success on my terms. What are my terms? What affordable opportunities are out there for me right now? Is this the right time to pursue my vision or should I just continue to wait until the timing is better?
Well, for me waiting for the right time to start a business is like waiting to have a baby once you can afford it…we all know how that works…so that answers that! My terms remain the same: be realistic, do my best, and be happy. So that leaves me with finding the opportunities that I can afford on a shoestring (ahem…that’s code for non-existent) budget.

With a little outside the box thinking and a day of phone calls and Googling I was able to find some surprisingly affordable avenues to pursue in taking Whiskey River to the next level. I will be sharing those opportunities with you during the next few weeks and, as always, welcome feedback.

As you can see I have decided to continue writing on Que-Licious! I still believe this blog can and will be my best method for promoting my brand; especially during the initial introduction phase of opening an online store. This little “writer’s road-block” that I encountered is just like any other I have stumbled upon in my journey; something to learn from. What did it teach me? That if you truly believe in what you are doing and you can see success in the future…keep going! Never before has the old adage “Where there’s a will there’s a way” been so important to me. I have always had the will and am beginning to find opportunities that will help me achieve my goals one small step at a time.

I hope you decide to follow me in my journey and share this whiskey soaked adventure with your friends.

Keep cookin’ y’all!

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