Success On My Terms

Hey y'all...Welcome back to Que-Licious!

I have taken the time to be still and listen to that little "inside voice" we all have but all too often ignore. Today is the day I define my own terms for success.


I admire those outside of the box thinkers and doers; the ones who take the risk of all risks to pursue the life they were meant to live. After all; we were put here on this earth to live not sit on the sidelines and observe. It's so easy to allow ourselves to become overwhelmed with what we think is expected of us in order to be successful; when we should be defining our own terms of success. We blog, we read e-books,we  talk to anyone who will listen to us babble on about our ideas, we find everything Pinteresting, then we follow and tweet until our head spins. There is no question that we have some pretty amazing "techie-tools" for social interaction that allow us to quickly access information on topics from food to becoming your own Pharmacist.


The problem to having access to such an overabundance of information is that we allow ourselves to think maybe we don't have it all together and that we should be doing things differently. After all, "Super Susie Blogger Queen" (yes I made this up) says to follow these exact steps and success will be yours. Not even close Susie. It's hard not to be envious of others success who create products and provide services similar to your own; yet so easy to believe we must be doing everything wrong. But here's the thing..."Super Susie Blogger Queen" doesn't have the first clue about me, my life, my capabilities, my limitations, my likes, my fears, my strengths...but I know. Success is not so simply defined by a cookie cutter pattern that applies to everyone. Success is above and beyond just following a core set of principals and business practices.

Once I became still and listened to that "inside voice" I discovered I was trying to attain success according to other people's definition and not my own. I not only began to pay attention to that gut feeling but acted on it as well. I realized that stepping out of your comfort zone is exhilarating and necessary.  I believe in the dream I am pursuing, even if I am the only one. I have stopped reading so many articles, newsletters, and the like and started to focus more on my own. I feel as if I am finally in command of my own success.

Keep cookin' y'all!

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