Getting It All Together

Hay Y'all...Welcome back to Que-Licious!

When I sat down three months ago and started putting my business plan together I started to become overwhelmed with the amount of capital I was going to have to come up with to get my business off the ground. Since I'm not a trust-fund kid, I'm not even remotely interested in using retirement money to fund this venture, (it's called retirement for a reason), and the money tree in the back yard seems to have caught a blite and died I decided to turn my focus on the "small" in "small business". In my case it could probably be more amply named minuet.

open sign

As I began to look at my options, I started researching other small businesses like mine and read the back story of how they not only became successful, but maintained that success through economic shifts. Oddly enough they share similar objectives to my own about being realistic, doing the best you can do, and have a positive attitude. Imagine that...for once I felt like I wasn't alone in my thought process.

small bakery

I will be the first to admit that at this point it would be so easy to just throw in the towel and allow that self-doubt to creep in and take over. I wasn't going to let that happen this time. I have too much riding on this decision and I was not going to simply just give up or put things on the back-burner again. So I started to focus on what I could do...look at that, my first realist decision in business! There may be hope for this little country girl yet.


My business is all about my roots. Where I come from, how I was raised, who my friends were and are, my family, and the appreciation of a simple life earning a sustainable living is the driving force behind Whiskey River BBQ.

So where do I "grow" from here? Don't worry...I will keep you posted. After all, if it's one thing us girls like to do it's talk.

Keep cookin' y'all!

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